What is SiteMap ?

SiteMap is a program to generate a map of your site plus navigation banners on each html page (header and footer) as you see on this site. It aims to provide clarity and freedom of movement for the visitors to your site.

The value of SiteMap is that it will update all navigation banners and the site map itself each time you run it - presumably each time you edit, add or delete pages on your site. This will give you peace of mind over two common webmaster's troubles : visitors annoyed with dangling links and worst - pages that can't be reached.

SiteMap does not conflict with your choice of html page design tool nor does it have any impact on the user's choice of web browser. You can run it first off to generate the skeleton of a new site (directory tree and templates for each html page) and you can run it again after editing your html code.

Graphic Answer has chosen to place this utility in the public domain as our modest contribution to the wealth of software freely available on the internet.

The banners comprise the name of your site and links for Home, Map, Prev, Next and Email. The map is automatically generated with the correct indentation from a script file you supply. SiteMap is free and runs both on Linux and Win32.

Check out another reference site using SiteMap

Download SiteMap

The source code in Perl can be downloaded here.

The source code in C++ can be downloaded here.

For installation on Win32create a new console application project, compile and run or just download this ready made executable sitemap.exe

For Linux strip the /r/n end of line pairs with a command such as :

tr -d '\015' < sourcefile > sitemap.cpp

Then compile with :

g++ -DLINUX -o sitemap sitemap.cpp

Running SiteMap

This is how you tell SiteMap what to do. Don't worry about typing all what you see below - the program will generate this sample script if you run it with no arguments. Later use a spreadsheet program to edit the script as some editors are notorious to replace tabs with spaces which will confuse SiteMap. (Use the option save as Text with Tabs).

# Sitemap.txt demo script file
#comments start with a #
#each row has 6 numbers and 2 text fields delimited by tabs
#the first row is a dummy to store your comapny name and email address
0 1 1 1 1 1 &copy; My Company
#the second row is an entry for the sitemap page itself
1 1 1 1 1 1 /sitemap.html Site Map
#then come the rows to describe each html page in respective order
#the first column is the outline identation starting at one
#2nd column =1 to see a home link
#3rd column =1 to see a map link
#4th column =1 to see a previous link
#5th column =1 to see a next link
#6th column =1 to see a email link
#7th column =path to the html page relative to path of this file
#8th column =title tag of html page
1 1 1 1 1 1 /index.html Homepage
2 1 1 1 1 1 /background.html About us
1 1 1 1 1 1 /groupa/groupa.html Group A
2 1 1 1 1 1 /groupa/groupa1.html Group A Item 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 /groupa/groupa2.html Group A Item 2
3 1 1 1 1 1 /groupa/groupa2a.html Group A Item 2.a
3 1 1 1 1 1 /groupa/groupa2b.html Group A Item 2.b
1 1 1 1 1 1 /groupb/groupb.html Group B
2 1 1 1 1 1 /groupb/groupb1.html Group B Item 1
2 1 1 1 1 1 /groupb/groupb2.html Group B Item 2
3 1 1 1 1 1 /groupb/groupb2a.html Group B Item 2.a
3 1 1 1 1 1 /groupb/groupb2b.html Group B Item 2.b
#Sometimes you want to stamp pages not to be included in the map
#Put 0 for indentation
#add |real/path to the url if sitemap can't guess the path from it
0 1 1 0 1 1 /cgi/ok.html|/ok.html Order Processed

You can start from scratch and have SiteMap generate templates for each html file you define in your script or you can have SiteMap stamp navigation banners on existing html pages. Running SiteMap without any command line arguments will generate a sample script file as per the table below and the html templates to match. Directories can be generated recursively as long as each parent is defined before its children in the order of the script.



Grazie per la Tua visita! Ogni persona per noi è importante.
Attenzione! questo sito contiene, data la nostra pluriennale presenza sul web, più di 700 pagine (è tra i più grossi al mondo sull'argomento) alcune presenti da vari anni, e ci è quindi difficile mantenerle costantemente aggiornate, immettendo sempre in tutte le ultime novità ed aggiornandole anche graficamente.
Oltretutto, operiamo costantemente ricerca: ogni anno abbiamo infatti tecniche nuove che proponiamo!

Abbiamo quindi deciso di semplificare la navigazione e centralizzare alcune informazioni più importanti e che possono variare nel tempo.
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