Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

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Chapter IX - Projecting Nerve-Force

At the beginning of Chapter IV, I stated that the physical phase of personal magnetism depends upon two coordinated manifestations of nerve-force, namely: (1) The generation of nerve-force; and (2) the conscious projection, by the will, of that supply of nerve-force into the personal atmosphere, and even to a greater distance under special conditions. I have instructed you regarding the phase of nerve-force generation. Let us now consider the second phase, i.e., that of the projection of the same.

Of all of the mental forces of the individual, the will is the most powerful, and at the same time the one least understood. It is hard even to define the will. Enough for our purpose to realize that it is the power within the mind whereby man is able to do things. Not only does man do the ordinary things of life by means of the will, but also he is able to do some extra¬ordinary things when he learns how.

The old occultist fully realized the mighty power of the will of man; and their teachings convey some very valuable information on this subject. One of their teachings was that by the use of his will man is able not only to project thought-waves from his mentality, but that he is also able to consciously project his physical magnetism, or vital energy, in the same way. The discoveries of the most advanced students of the subject, in our times, verify the old teachings of the occultists in this respect. The system I am herein teaching is therefore based not only on the advanced discoveries of modern science, but also upon the world-old teachings of the ancient occultists.

Truth knows no special age or time – it is the property of the ages.

The average man projects his physical magnetism, or nerve-force, into his personal atmosphere, or aura, more or less unconsciously – just as he walks or breathes, for that matter. He has naturally acquired the habit, and does not concern himself about the matter – in fact, he is usually unconscious of and ignorant of the process itself. The differences in the degree of physical magnetism projected or radiated by such persons is determined solely by the degree of nerve-force generated by them, in absence of any special power of projection.

There is a second class, however, the members of which, while not fully informed of their power to project physical magnetism, nevertheless, by their habitual use of the will in the direction of impressing others, powerfully, though unconsciously, direct waves of the nerve-force outward, so that their personal atmosphere becomes well charged with it, and their influence is felt by those coming in contact with it. In this class of individuals will be found the active, energetic, masterful men in various walks of life, who direct others rather than are directed by others, who give orders rather than receive them.

These men generally radiate enough physical magnetism to make itself felt by those with whom they come in contact, and are generally felt to be “strong men.” But even these persons do not manifest the greatest amount of physical magnetism.

The third class of persons is that composed of individuals who have acquired a greater or less knowledge of fact that physical magnetism may be projected beyond the limits of the brain or body, and who have learned, at least in a degree, the art of so projecting it by the use of the will. These individuals range from those who have acquired merely a glimpse of the truth, up, by degrees, to those who may be spoken of as Masters of the Art. This last named class of persons are those whose power is readily felt and acknowledged, and who leave their impression upon those who come in contact with them.

The projection of the physical magnetism, by the will, is, in a way, a very simple procedure, consisting of two processes, as follows: (1) The belief in, or realization of, one’s powers to so project the force; and (2) the actual willing or commanding the force to be projected.

At first it may seem somewhat strange to learn that “belief” has anything to do with this matter, but a little consideration will explain this general law of psychology. It is this way: The will never acts in a direction, which the mind believes impossible. One never tries to reach the moon, because his mind refuses to believe that he can do it – but the child, believing that it is possible, will use his will to move his hand in that direction.

The disbelief acts as a brake on the will – do you see the point?

But, you may say, the belief of the child does not enable him to reach the moon. Certainly not, but it caused his will to operate so as to move the hand. Belief does not necessarily render accomplishment certain – but it removes the barriers of disbelief, the latter preventing any accomplishment by the will. There are many things that we would be able to do if we could only believe that we could do – but disbelief acts as a brake and a barrier to the efforts of the will. Realization of one’s power will often gain half the battle of accomplishment for him.

In the case before us, the one needs only to believe enough to make the attempt. Then, each time the attempt is made, and one perceives a result, the task becomes easier for the next time. And, at last, the sense of full realization of the power of the will dawns upon the person, and after that the rest is easy.

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